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Alexa - vocals
Chorus - guitars, programming
Asteria - Keyboards
Evelyn was created by the end of the year 2002 in Zbaszynek, Poland. In the beginning it comprised of two people: Asteria and Chorus. After a few weeks of rehearsals Morgoth (bass) joined the band.

In June 2003 Evelyn recorded the track "Cyklotymia" in the studio and just after a few months they recorded their first demo, on which three instrumental tracks were included: "Cyklotymia", "Anestezja Uczuc", "Odrzucenie" - it's entitled as Instrumental Demo. In a three-person make-up they played a few concerts. They decided to leave tracks from the first demo in their instrumental versions and started to work on a new material.

In December of 2003 Kristof (vocals) joined the band, material was created, which they recorded in Spring of 2004. The demo is entitled "Schizophrenic Key" and consists of four tracks: "Icarus", "Schizophrenic Key", "Trauma", "Mirror". Already in a four-person team they played at concerts and their recordings were presented on various radio stations. In the meantime new tracks were created.

In Spring 2006 Evelyn recorded material entitled "Assertivity" which consists of six tracks: "Shame", "About Legion", "Seasons", "Sickness Of Structures", "With Stars Polemic", Journey".

At the end of 2006 the band parted ways with the bassist and Kristof (vocals on albums Schizophrenic Key, Assertivity). Since that time, they aid themselves with a programmed bass.

In January 2007 vocalist Alexa joined the band. They started to work on new tracks. In Spring 2008 Evelyn recorded their newest material entitled "Awareness of Death", the album consists of five tracks: "In the Gears of the Time Machine", "Unreal Asylum", "Anaesthetic Spectrum", "Awareness of Death", "Mental Isolation".

In March 2010 Evelyn recorded a single entitled "Suicidal Melancholy" and
in March 2011, a single entitled "Catatonic Euphoria".
