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MAYAN | Quarterpast

MAYAN's debut album "Quarterpast" will be released on May, 20th. It is a musical Death Metal Symphony, with guests like Floor Jansen (REVAMP) and Simone Simons (EPICA), as well as musicians of the dutch elite, such as GOD DETHRONED, PESTILENCE and others.
Read more, Free Download, Studio Trailer & The arrival of the aliens!
  1. Symphony Of Aggressio
  2. Mainstray Of Society - In The Eyes Of The Law: Corruption
  3. Quarterpast
  4. Course Of Life
  5. The Savage Massacre - In The Eyes Of Law: Pizzo
  6. Essenza Di Te
  7. Bite The Bullet
  8. Drown The Demon
  9. Celibate Aphrodite
  10. War On Terror - In The Eyes Of The Law: Pentagon Papers
  11. Tithe
  12. Sinner's Last Retreat - Deed Of Awakening