Nightwish bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala has posted the following update on their website:
"At the moment I have most of the bass tracks for the new album recorded. I started already a few weeks back, but I've been taking my time with the recordings. It's the luxury of having your own equipment and a former job as studio engineer. For now I've been taking it pretty easy for the last two weeks. The holiday season and all that goes with it, you know...
Right now I'm collecting my inner plutonium for the critical mass again. I always do that before recording something. After all, we're not a pop band, and these songs need some really serious explosives. Too bad you can't hear them yet...
I just had to twist the knife here. I'm a sadist also.
The songs are really good, by the way...
Of course we all would like to see this project finished, released and out for all the world to hear.
The success we've been blessed or cursed with is demanding in its own ways. Everything has to be planned in long term. All the parts of releasing albums, videos and tours have to match carefully when you get to this stage of things. And so we all get fed up with the waiting.
Try to be patient and we'll do our best to reward you later on.
And so we come to this: I hope you all had a nice holiday time. Also all of those people who don't really care about that stuff. It's a new year 2011. Let's make it a good one!
Always with respect!"