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Analogy | Debut Album

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The Circle Of Life

Analogy (El Salvador) was formed back in 2003 as a cover band playing songs from Iron Maiden to Metallica. It was formed by bass player Benjamin Lopez and guitar player Eduardo Franco. Back then it was only a garage band formed by school kids. A few years later the band was separated because the founders had to move to San Salvador; being a band resident from San Miguel, they had to leave town to pursue academic achievements. In 2005 Eduardo formed part of Everfar and Legacy later, being Legacy the opening band for international bands as Helloween and Stratovarius. It was after the split up of Legacy that Benjamin and Eduardo began talking again about reforming the band but with a different approach; this time, they would have Analogy formed as a Power Metal Progressive/Speed Metal band with influences like Stratovarius, Angra, Dream Theater and more. In 2007 they debuted as a cover band; and after several months they released their first studio song called “Starlit Skies” which had a very good acceptance by the audience in radial spaces like “Zona Metal” and “Subterránica” at Radio Femenina 102.5 FM. Being their members at the time vocalist Edgard Velasquez, Eduardo Franco on Guitars, Pablo Chavez on Guitars, Benjamin Lopez on Bass, and Ricardo Garcia on Drums.


As the band evolved so did its lineup with Arturo Santos as drummer in 2008 leaving the band in 2009 due to his Medical Doctorate studies. Since then Analogy went through several lineup changes including Edgard Velasquez leaving the band in 2009 and the arrival of Samir “The Ninja” Fajardo (former Víbora member).

After his departure late on 2012, Alex Cordero arrives to be heard when playing the double-bass drum at high speed, accurate uptempo head-breaking poly-rhythms… with the aid of Benjamin Lopez on the 6 string bass guitar, heavily influenced by Franck Hermanny (Adagio) and Felipe Andreoli (Angra) Benjamin and Alex are the structural foundations of Analogy´s rhythmic architecture.

Benjamin is one of the most charismatic bassists on stage showing great musical prowess and also great composing and writing abilities, Benjamin and Eduardo are the perfect balance that Analogy needs to keep giving birth to fresh ideas and turning them into reality…

A true metal band must have solos that´s the reason why Mauricio “Chino” Lozano comes in the game putting guitar technicality, showmanship and good humor altogether, playing hard guitar riffs at light speed while smiling at the same time, making you believe that playing the guitar is a walk in the park… reminding us all the greatness of a twin guitar harmonized riff…

Eduardo Franco took over the vocals becoming a Mustaine-Like front man playing difficult guitar passages while singing at the same time, even though it´s a hard task being Analogy´s leader, front man, main composer, main guitarist and now vocalist Eduardo has proven that one must never let his dreams pass by and has excelled in the hard task in turning a Metal Band into a Family in which all its members are Brothers that gather all the necessary personalities and talent together needed to create “THE Power Progressive Metal Band of El Salvador”.

Debut Album: The Circle Of Life

Analogy | The Circle Of Life photo TheCircleOfLife_album_zpsd0cc0ae5.jpgAnalogy has released their debut album
The Circle Of Life” at Innova Studios,
with producer Carlos Lopez in 2013.


  1. In Exordium
  2. Starlit Skies Free download
  3. Tears of the Moon Free Download
  4. Chaos Crusade
  5. Inner Fire
  6. The Dance of Life
  7. Ghost of the Forsaken
  8. Our Land
  9. Petrified
  10. Time to Fly
  11. Last Journey Home
  12. Novus Orsa
