
Downcast Art

Downcast Art,

Downcast Art

The Band

Diverse influences, the need for musical expression and an approach with a different purpose and artistic profundity gave birth to the Croatian metal band Downcast Art. The journey of their creation began, conceptually, in autumn 2005 and after a few years of activity the band formed into a productive union which eventually resulted in finishing their first album, named Forbidden Memories, in autumn 2011.


From the very beginning, the band had experienced lots of ups and downs along with many changes in the line-up, but still they managed to be publically active, witnessed by their efforts to play a number of concerts in their homeland as well as abroad. Audience interest and positive critique resulted in Downlight – a promotional CD containing three songs.

The initial definition and idea behind Downcast Art, started by keyboard player Zdravko Smenderovac, was advanced with Kristijan Radeka on the guitar, Lukas Šomek on drums, Davor Grdić on bass guitar and Jelena Mužar as the lead singer. Such a line-up, carried by creativity, leads the band into a better tomorrow, writing a new page in the book of their existence, an entirely new dimension of music...