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Beyond Illusion

Between passion and ambition to develop a new musical project in order to share some great moments throughout music. The idea was to lead the Moroccan music with new melodic rock in an epic atmosphere. Far from what metal bands giving the image to this kind of music, Analgesia tries with its originality in choosing the best of music, and the way to the success, which was the aim of all Analgesia’s members.

Rhapsody Of Fire | From Chaos To Eternity World Tour 2012

European dates
01.04.2012 - Sala Totem - Pamplona, Spain
02.04.2012 - Sala Cats - Madrid, Spain
03.04.2012 - Salamandra - Barcelona, Spain
04.04.2012 - Theatre Barbey - Bordeaux, France
06.04.2012 - PPM Fest - Mons, Belgium
07.04.2012 - Z7 - Pratteln, Switzerland
08.04.2012 - Bataclan - Paris, France
09.04.2012 - Colos-Saal - Aschaffenburg, Germany
11.04.2012 - Live Club - Milano, Italy
12.04.2012 - Estragon - Bologna, Italy
13.04.2012 - Orion - Roma, Italy
14.04.2012 - New Age - Treviso, Italy
15.04.2012 - Szene - Vienna, Austria
17.04.2012 - Master of Rock Cafe - Zlin, Czech Republic
18.04.2012 - Kwadrat - Krakow, Poland
19.04.2012 - Progresja - Warsaw, Poland