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Mike Mangini new drummer for Dream Theater

We thought already that it would be but now it is confirmed: Mike Mangini is official the new drummer for Dream Theater.

At Dawn We Are Kings

Fabian - Vocals, Guitar, Composer
Fabrice - Bass
Christophe - Drums
At Dawn We Are Kings is a psychedelic rockband from the south of France.

Pukkelpop 2011 | Line up

more info

And here it is: The first official line up for Pukkelpop with some very great headliners and a lot of new performers to discover.
Ofcourse this isn't a final line up but it looks very promising.
Ticketsale starts on Wednesday april, 27 - 11:00 AM

Roy Khan Leaves Kamelot

Kamelot has issued the following statement on their website:
"With a heavy heart we can now announce that Roy Khan has chosen to leave the band.


Promethee was born in the spring of 2008 in Geneva, Switserland.
After only a few months of writing their first songs, the band started to play as many shows as they could, gaining allready loads of local support from bands, friends and promoters.


Ömer - vocals
Alex - guitars
Martin - drums
Kevin - guitars
Christoph - bass

In the aftermath of the financial crisis Guerrilla give it a shot and deliver their new album KICKSTART REVOLUTION – a piece of tight, dirty and dazzling thrash metal with a hell of a lot of cojones! The band is back with a vengeance: faster, groovier and nastier.

Bartosz Ogrodowicz

Bartosz Ogrodowicz is a composer and instrumentalist from Poland performing progressive/symphonic rock. He is a solo artist who gives concerts in whole Poland.

Former Manowar drummer Scott Columbus has past away

At the young age of 54, former Manowar drummer Scott Columbus has past away.

Avenged Sevenfold | Tourdates 2011

April 2011
    • April, 02 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Citibank Hall
    • April, 03 - Sao Paulo, Brazil - Credicard Hall
    • April, 06 - Curitiba, Brazil - Master Hall
    • April, 07 - Porto Alegre, Brazil - Casa do Gaúcho